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When we go on a trip, we want to keep the comforts that we are used to, but if we are going to carry everything on our back … we need to think about what to take and what to leave.
We often don’t understand how important a backpack is. First, it should be in moderation for us. Just like shoes, it is advisable to try it on before buying, because the backs of people are different, as well as the sizes of different models of backpacks. Of course, there are also backpacks that are adjustable.
The latest models offer options on the backs that do not stick to the body, and, accordingly, sweating when wearing them is less. This is one significant advantage.
The size of the backpack depends on the number of days we spend in the mountains. If we are on the weekend, it may be less, which does not exclude our mandatory list. For one-day trips, some of the items may not be worn.
Backpacks with a large number of compartments and pockets, as well as apartments with utility rooms, allow us to have more accurate Luggage and easily find everything. It is important to have accessories-buckles, elastic bands, raincoats.
For the safety of Luggage, it must be waterproof.
I’m going to point out a few things we don’t want to wear. They create only weight and are practically not used.
For the convenience of tourists traveling with me, I made a list of things that I personally always check if I have before leaving. I share this with you because I often get the question „what to wear“.
This is from me. It remains to wish you a happy journey, with a lighter backpack!
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Когато тръгваме на път ни се иска да не се разделяме с удобствата, с които сме свикнали, но ако ще носим всичко на гръб…трябва да се замислим, кое да вземем и кое да оставим.
Обувките са една от най-важните части от нашата екипировката. Те, чрез своите подметки, осигуряват контакта ни с почвата, тревата или скалата, като този контакт трябва да бъде възможно най-сигурен и да гарантира максимално нашата стабилност.
Изкуството да вземем необходимото за прехода идва с натрупването на практика. В зависимост от прогнозата за времето и планирания преход ще носим повече или по-малко дрехи, храна,специална екипировка, по-голяма или по-малка раница.