Useful in the mountains

What to Take in our Backpack
on a track in the mountains

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When we go on a trip, we want to keep the comforts that we are used to, but if we are going to carry everything on our back … we need to think about what to take and what to leave.

We often don’t understand how important a backpack is. First, it should be in moderation for us. Just like shoes, it is advisable to try it on before buying, because the backs of people are different, as well as the sizes of different models of backpacks. Of course, there are also backpacks that are adjustable.

The latest models offer options on the backs that do not stick to the body, and, accordingly, sweating when wearing them is less. This is one significant advantage.

The size of the backpack depends on the number of days we spend in the mountains. If we are on the weekend, it may be less, which does not exclude our mandatory list. For one-day trips, some of the items may not be worn.

Backpacks with a large number of compartments and pockets, as well as apartments with utility rooms, allow us to have more accurate Luggage and easily find everything. It is important to have accessories-buckles, elastic bands, raincoats.

For the safety of Luggage, it must be waterproof.

I’m going to point out a few things we don’t want to wear. They create only weight and are practically not used.

    • Electrical appliances such as hair dryers, irons, epilators, etc…Although the retail chain already sells such small sizes.
    • Any cosmetics in large cuts. In practice, a large cut can’t be spent, and so it’s not good to wear it all the time with us.
    • Large towel.
    • Thick books, novels.
    • A large amount of food and bulk food, such as tomatoes, cucumbers, oranges, two-liter beer:), etc. If we make short transitions, we can afford it.
    • Glass packaging-in the mountains, we carry garbage all the time, and glass is very heavy.

For the convenience of tourists traveling with me, I made a list of things that I personally always check if I have before leaving. I share this with you because I often get the question „what to wear“.

  • Toiletry. All in small packages. You can compress a small amount into a different package.
  • Clothing-it is desirable that your clothes were made of light fabrics, as now look like tourist outfits. Avoid cotton t-shirts that weigh more and dry out slowly when sweating.
  • Mandatory down jacket with a hood if possible water-resistant, long pantsuit, blouse with long sleeves, sun hat-best with a brim, buff or scarf, light gloves. Linen. Spare socks should be reinforced at the contact points.
  • Sunglasses with UV protection.
    Sunscreen – at least factor 30.
  • Water bottle – at least 1 liter.
  • Cloak.
  • Flip-flops, towel.
  • Food-preferably high-calorie-chocolate or waffles, energy bars, meat, nuts, dried fruits, sandwiches, etc. similar.
  • Medicine for emergency assistance and those that you would normally drink.
  • Earplugs and blindfolds are not necessary, but they often sleep in shared areas, and if you have a light sleep, they help a lot.
    A small satchel. If you are going to make short trips without Luggage, it is advisable to have one for a water bottle and phone:)
  • Headlight. There are places without electricity where the LOB does a lot of work or in emergencies.
  • Personal documents, money.
  • Plastic bags and 1-2 bags. They are always used.
  • Disposable sheets, if the Chalet does not have them, or a sleeping bag. It depends on where he will spend the night.
  • A few more small things-needle, thread, lighter/ matches, pin, knife, phone.
  • As for spare shoes, there are conflicting opinions. You can wear another light pair of shoes if there is a problem with your main Shoe. It is advisable that you go in safe and crowded shoes that you know won’t cause you any problems!

This is from me. It remains to wish you a happy journey, with a lighter backpack! 

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