I love art and beauty, but despite the unique creative geniuses I have touched, nothing can compare to the natural harmony, colors, depth and vastness that Mother Nature can present to us. And all this, plus an incredible sense of infinite freedom, is focused, as if most of all on the mountain.
A few years ago I went to Maliovitsa and … I stayed there.
The more I traveled later, the more I realized how much of a small part of the mountains a person has the opportunity to enjoy life. So my natural path was to create a community to share these wonderful experiences, which I called „On the road with Marin“.
I present to you my organized hikes, tracks, excursions or walks, always offering something that touched me, impressed me, and I would like to share with you. And my main prize would be to see the sparkle in your eyes when you immerse yourself in the whole picture collected in the mountains… Come with me.
Marin Naidenov Naidenov is an experienced mountain guide licensed by the Ministry of tourism with ID b-00306.
Quit your routine and go to the mountains!